Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Speaking of Green and Red Lights...

...And crappy human behaviour in general - Some people need to be aware that when a green light is displayed on the appropriate traffic signal, you are supposed to begin accelerating. Staying stopped at said green light is not the right thing to do. Neither is just randomly stopping for no godamned reason.
I think I might stop now...This seems appropriate. What's this light you speak of?

There is almost nothing as irritating as someone who decides to just forget to go at the green light, especially when said lights change after letting about 2.6 cars go through... AND YOU'RE THE 3RD IN LINE.

Enough about traffic signals, let's look at something equally annoying now - lack of roundabout etiquette. We've all seen the signs that say "DO NOT QUEUE THROUGH INTERSECTION" in certain problem areas. I like this sign - It's simple, to the point AND ITS YELLING AT YOU WHILST MAKING SAID POINT. Why oh why do people assume this is okay at roundabouts then? It's the same principle! If you block the roundabout, you're essentially stopping the traffic from flowing!
This is around the corner from my house of a morning. No, really.

It's bad enough that the school zone starts about 6km before the damned school and there's a "kiss 'n' drop" point which is essentially the road on which I am driving but then the people just have to get through the roundabout one car ahead of the next poor sap - WHO WAS ACTUALLY TRYING TO TURN AWAY FROM THE TRAFFIC AND NOT IMPEDE YOU!!!

Wow.. Three exclamation marks - That's how you know shit means business.

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