You, the whole damn lot of you, are quite possibly the worst drivers I've ever had the displeasure of sharing the road with. You are the reason the traffic is so bad. My express (what a joke) bus was magically turned into a squirming cesspool of hate the moment the driver
announced "the M2 is so badly congested, it's going to be quicker for us to take another badly congested road with a slower speed limit".
And I blame all of you pathetic fools who has no idea how to, for example, merge. It's not exactly difficult to master! The hidden trick is to not come to a complete damned stop to join the already happily moving traffic! And you, the person who speeds up to not let the person in - you are not without blame either as you've just broken two laws. Speeding is in fact a crime and so is not letting a merging car in if their lane is ending!
You might be thinking "but Russ, surely even in your godlike abilities, you too are an Australian driver and therefore by your very own logic must be terrible!"
You'd be right. I'm just much a much higher grade of terrible. I have the advantage of being thrust into a country on a recent holiday that DOES know how to drive and it's basically learn fucking quick or die in a fiery 130km/h death all while having insults screamed in French from every fucking angle. Every Australian needs to learn to drive by a European.

An Aussie who didn't quickly learn whilst driving in France.
I'm not without my flaws - I speed pretty much all the damned time but at least I'm courteous. I give a thank you wave, I let people in and I try to be the least amount of douche bag I can possibly be.
Amen to that. People do not understand the basic principles of merging.
ReplyDeleteYou do not NEED to go all the way to the end. In fact, if you merge sooner, it will be quicker for everyone. I think it is especially true for people who don't let people merge.
I don't care where the merge happens, just as long as you keep the flow of traffic going.