Things I Don't Like
Sunday, August 1, 2010
So as it turns out...
My new job is significantly more time consuming than I had anticipated and as such, I've not got the time to continue my epic rants. Maybe if I get some time whilst at home I'll post every so often... But don't be holding your breath.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Speaking of Green and Red Lights...

I think I might stop now...This seems appropriate. What's this light you speak of?
There is almost nothing as irritating as someone who decides to just forget to go at the green light, especially when said lights change after letting about 2.6 cars go through... AND YOU'RE THE 3RD IN LINE.
Enough about traffic signals, let's look at something equally annoying now - lack of roundabout etiquette. We've all seen the signs that say "DO NOT QUEUE THROUGH INTERSECTION" in certain problem areas. I like this sign - It's simple, to the point AND ITS YELLING AT YOU WHILST MAKING SAID POINT. Why oh why do people assume this is okay at roundabouts then? It's the same principle! If you block the roundabout, you're essentially stopping the traffic from flowing!

This is around the corner from my house of a morning. No, really.
It's bad enough that the school zone starts about 6km before the damned school and there's a "kiss 'n' drop" point which is essentially the road on which I am driving but then the people just have to get through the roundabout one car ahead of the next poor sap - WHO WAS ACTUALLY TRYING TO TURN AWAY FROM THE TRAFFIC AND NOT IMPEDE YOU!!!
Wow.. Three exclamation marks - That's how you know shit means business.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Walking for Dummies
I can remember way back in yesteryear, when men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry cre... Well, you did the idea.
Way back in these olden days, I was taught something very valuable by my parents - street etiquette! I thought I may share a few tips and tricks with you so that you too can become a decent human being.
1) If there are people walking all around you, you're doing something wrong. Either, speed up a bit, move to the side more or stop standing there and picking your nose. People clearly want to get by you and you're being a hindrance to these kind folk.
2) When the little green man is showing, you may cross the street (legally). When the little red man is flashing, that means "DON'T START CROSSING THE GODAMNED ROAD YOU IDIOT". When the red man is just on, it means "Cross here if you wish to die". There are some exceptions to these rules... SOME. If the street is COMPLETELY devoid of traffic or if you know, without any doubt, that you will not interrupt the flow of traffic in any way, shape or form. Cars are a lot heavier than people and as such, if they're coming towards you and collide with you, the car is not going to feel much. You will. And you deserve it too.
3) If you're crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing, cross the street in a group. If you cross the street in a line, or scattered groups, it delays traffic. This makes me very sad as I'm an avid motorist and I like to actually be moving when I'm driving. Not watching a marathon of people crossing the street indi-fucking-vidually.
In closing, don't be an idiot.
Way back in these olden days, I was taught something very valuable by my parents - street etiquette! I thought I may share a few tips and tricks with you so that you too can become a decent human being.
1) If there are people walking all around you, you're doing something wrong. Either, speed up a bit, move to the side more or stop standing there and picking your nose. People clearly want to get by you and you're being a hindrance to these kind folk.
2) When the little green man is showing, you may cross the street (legally). When the little red man is flashing, that means "DON'T START CROSSING THE GODAMNED ROAD YOU IDIOT". When the red man is just on, it means "Cross here if you wish to die". There are some exceptions to these rules... SOME. If the street is COMPLETELY devoid of traffic or if you know, without any doubt, that you will not interrupt the flow of traffic in any way, shape or form. Cars are a lot heavier than people and as such, if they're coming towards you and collide with you, the car is not going to feel much. You will. And you deserve it too.
3) If you're crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing, cross the street in a group. If you cross the street in a line, or scattered groups, it delays traffic. This makes me very sad as I'm an avid motorist and I like to actually be moving when I'm driving. Not watching a marathon of people crossing the street indi-fucking-vidually.
In closing, don't be an idiot.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
And Now For Something I Do Like!
Today I started my new job.
I woke up at 8:00 to start at 9:00.
I was able to enjoy some breakfast at home and sit down for a few minutes before driving all of about 5 minutes to my new office. I love this.
Thank god that I don't have to use public transport anymore...
I woke up at 8:00 to start at 9:00.
I was able to enjoy some breakfast at home and sit down for a few minutes before driving all of about 5 minutes to my new office. I love this.
Thank god that I don't have to use public transport anymore...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Inconsiderate Mobile Phone Users
And whilst we're on the topic of the terrible mess that is humanity and public transport, I'd like to point my dislike finger at the idiotic mobile phone user who decides to spend an hour on the phone on the bus trip home. We've all had a long day at work and nobody wants to hear your 16 conversations with "Becky", "Summer", "Babe" and your damned mother.
The intimate details of your life do not need to be shared with a bus load of people, dammit! I also find it absolutely amazing that your level of sobriety changes depending on who you are talking to... Being drunk is not the coolest thing in the world and loudly proclaiming that "OMG I'm liek totally shmashed" to your dearest friends probably only makes them think less of you (unless they are as shallow and stupid as you are), as the rest of the bus now thinks less of you.
Talking on the phone on public transport is fine, as long as the conversation is quiet and short so as not to disturb my zen.
The intimate details of your life do not need to be shared with a bus load of people, dammit! I also find it absolutely amazing that your level of sobriety changes depending on who you are talking to... Being drunk is not the coolest thing in the world and loudly proclaiming that "OMG I'm liek totally shmashed" to your dearest friends probably only makes them think less of you (unless they are as shallow and stupid as you are), as the rest of the bus now thinks less of you.
Talking on the phone on public transport is fine, as long as the conversation is quiet and short so as not to disturb my zen.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Crying Babies + Terribad Parents + Public Transport
Some people should not be parents. It's as simple as that. I can completely understand that babies cry - it is in their nature, after all. That being said, babies that sound like they're dying a slow, painful, agonising death should probably be given at least a little bit of attention. When you just sit there, dying baby in pram, laughing and chuckling at the fact your baby could quite possibly be Satan, it really does say a a fair bit about you as a parent.

Actual picture of demon-baby. I'm about 89% sure this was on my bus.
All that I ask is that you could at least attempt to pick your child up and make it turn its volume down, just a little bit at least. The human brain is apparently hard-wired to dislike the sound of babies crying. My guess is that all bad parents who allow this to go on are either a) deaf (which is no excuse because I'm not deaf and therefore it's still irritating as fuck) or b) not human.

Madam, kindly please attempt to quiet your child
It's just common courtesy that if your offspring is disturbing the serenity of the entire fucking bus you at least try to restore the Zen and calm on the bus.
And another thing, HILLSBUS DRIVERS, are you aware that if your bus is full and you have a back door, you can open it? Hell, You could open it even if the bus is not completely full and it would still be nice. This would make disembarking significantly quicker and less annoying. Squeezing past people is not my idea of a good morning activity.
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